The presentation of a meal should have these goals in mind: stimulate appetite and build anticipation. And the Christmas entertaining season brings with it special challenges that we're here to help you tackle!
Late last week, Seasoned Cooking turned 20! That's right, this little corner of the Internet has been sharing food wit, wisdom, and recipes for 20 years. To celebrate, last weekend, the old version of the site which was presented in an electronic magazine format instead of the newer blog format got an internal update that has added more 1,700 articles and 2,700 recipes to the existing blog content in Drupal, the software we use to organize and publish this website.
If lunches have you feeling bored, skip the leftovers and opt for planned-overs. The difference? Leftovers means having the same thing you had the other day. Planned-overs means making sure you have the right combination of items on hand to make something new.
Crockpot cooking is one way to keep your family all warm and well-fed during the cold winter months, and planning a weekly menu keeps you out of the cold and icy weather more often. By planning just one weekly shopping day with one goal in mind - creating enough crockpot meals for a week - you can feed your family hearty meals and stay toasty warm indoors, coming home to those wonderful aromas of a delicious, slow cooked meal all ready for you and your family to enjoy.
An upcoming move means working to be creative about using up as much from the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer as possible before packing up the remainder and carting it off. But when Mother Nature is tossing 90 degree days my way, what's a girl to do? Grab her trusty crockpot, that's what!
Anyone who enjoys cooking knows that it's often difficult to come up with fresh holiday recipe ideas that please guests and also somehow reflect the season. Easter menu ideas are certainly no different, but a little planning makes your Easter menu much easier to manage.