Those that have the opportunity to enjoy fresh produce by way of a community sponsored agriculture share (or regular trips to your local farmers' market) know that now is the time when things really start to become truly breath-taking in the kitchen. Beautiful salads, tender rhubarb crisps, and stir-fries to make anyone drool become common on tables that are fortunate enough to experience CSA joy!
The generosity of family doesn't go unappreciated as holiday hams bring about elegant dinners, simple breakfasts, and hearty chowder. This time of the year, chowder is particularly well-received, even though we're not covered in snow … yet.
Since kale is a regular addition to our bi-weekly CSA boxes, I wanted to try my hand at making kale chips. The feathery chips make a lovely snack hot out of the oven. Who knew eating leaves could be so fun and delicious?