- 6 tbsp chopped fresh basil (or herb of choice)
- 2 1/2 cups olive oil
- 1 - 2 sprigs of basil (or other)
Pound the basil to a paste in a mortar and pestle or a mixing bowl (I sometimes take the lazy way out and do this in my processor). Stir in a tablespoon or so of oil and mix until well blended. Add the remaining oil, pour into a dry, sterilized jar, cover and set aside for two weeks, shaking it up once or twice a day. Strain into a new sterilized bottle or bottles, add fresh sprigs of basil, seal and store in a cool, dark place.
- 10 tbsp chopped fresh basil (or herb of choice)
- 2 1/2 cups white wine vinegar
- 1 - 2 sprigs of basil (or other)
Pound the basil to a paste and transfer to a heatproof container. Pour the vinegar into a non reactive pan (I have a Corning Ware pot that is marked for liquid measure that I use but stainless steel works well too), bring it to a boil and pour it over the herb. Stir well and leave to cool. Pour into a sterilized jar, cover and set aside for three weeks, shaking it up once or twice a day. Strain into new sterilized bottles, add fresh basil sprigs, seal and store in a cool, dark place.
- Yields: 2 1/2 cups