In addition to a great selection of recipes that have been submitted by food geeks the world over, a clean list of resources ranging from conversion charts to household tips is also available. But, when it comes down to it, the main draw of FoodGeeks.com are the recipes. With a new recipe theme focus every month, visitors are offered special recipes and menus to enjoy that use seasonal ingredients, celebrate special occasions or suggest special techniques or equipment that are associated with a certain season.
With everything from breakfast to dessert covered, the choices that face a visitor to FoodGeeks.com could be daunting. However, with a clean interface and thoughtful categorization, the large amounts of information available are organized into a manageable format that's easy to browse or search. When looking at a list of recipes found via browsing or searching, a visitor has the option to organize the results alphabetically or even according to the ratings given to each recipe by other visitors. Most of the recipes are also listed with preparation times given.

While FoodGeeks.com is not as glitzy as many of the food-related web sites available online, it does offer a clean and simple interface and an extensive database of recipes worth using. The lack of extra graphics and programs makes the site load quickly and a visitor can easily move from one page to another. FoodGeeks.com offers a great resource to those souls weary of web pages that offer little more than eye candy ... it offers practical content.
Web Site Name: FoodGeeks.com Web Site URL: http://foodgeeks.com Seasoned Cooking Rating (5 = BEST): 4 STARS Editor's Note: The web site reviewed in this article was chosen from among those included in Seasoned Cooking's automated list of related sites. Anyone can add links to their favorite site related to food, cooking, health, fitness or hobbies by visiting our Seasoned Links page and clicking on the "Add/Edit a Site" button. We welcome your additions. Who knows? Maybe your favorite site will be the next one reviewed!