Seasoned Greetings!
Everything from great brunch dishes to recipes showcasing miso is on the menu this time around at Seasoned Cooking:
Dippy Day
When I'm feeling a bit lazy when dinner time rolls around, I toss together a fun dip. Then I turn to thick corn chips, vegetables, or — in this case — my favorite focaccia for enjoying a delicious meal that lets me embrace my inner kid.
Freezing Time
I love an elegant brunch, but sometimes it seems like I need at least eight hands in order to get everything together in order. What would you say if I told you there are some fantastic tricks out there for making it all fall together like magic?
Miso Meets Meat
When a soybean organization asks chefs for their favorite miso recipes featuring meat, poultry, and seafood, the results are delicious. Get the two first prize winning recipes and you'll agree that when miso meets meat, beautiful things happen!
Home Sweet and Sour
If you think you have to resort to a restaurant outing or takeout to get good sweet and sour pork, this one's for you. If you think avoiding gluten means that's a dish you need to bid farewell to, this one's for you. If you think it's a dish that has to be chock full of corn syrup, this one's for you.
Find links to all of these articles by visiting our homepage and don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon to get real time updates on new content and plans for the future! Here's to a seasoned lifestyle!
- Regards,
Ronda L. Halpin
Editor-in-Chief, Seasoned Cooking